Lylleill's avatar


Kamila - mouse user
20 Watchers82 Deviations
There is a hacker going around on Da and already hacked several pages such as

You or I could be the next so be careful.The hacker does penis pictures around in the account page and writes in journals: "I hate you all, go die"  And he/she also remove all your watches.Just wanted to put this out there; figured if they know that I'm aware of them, they won't hack me, idea would be to spread this.PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD AROUND!!!''



TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY ON YOUR LIST ADDS HIM THEN YOU WILL GET HIM ON YOUR LIST. HE WILL FIGURE OUT YOUR ID COMPUTER ADDRESS, SO COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE EVEN IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR THEM AND FAST BECAUSE IF HE HACKS THEIR EMAIL HE HACKS YOUR MAIL TOO (I think what it means by that is that he could assume the identity of your friends, and FOOL you into opening the letter since you think it's your friend that's sending it )!!...

Anyone using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report'

If you open either file, a message will appear on If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.'

Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,

And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.
This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it .

The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'..


Remember, always be careful of messages you receive in email-don't open them unless you're 100% POSITIVE they're safe. If you have even the SLIGHTEST doubt, DON'T open it-DELETE it, it's the smart thing to do!
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4 min read
Tagged by :iconmegabug99:

The rules:
1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create 10 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4.You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5.Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
6.No nonsense in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this."
7.You have to tag 10 people.

1) I have two brothers :icon0u0plz:
2) Up dyed. Again, I'm blonde (partly).
3) I would like to have superpowers.
4) I love: Superman & Clark Kent, magic, candy, anime, Endymion (Sailor Moon), Edward Elric(FMA), Roarke (from novels N. Roberts), Sims, drawing, Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan...
5) I don't like my nose.
6) Proprietress of white soft toy bear with a very wonderful name of Artemis.
7) Sometimes I would like to be born in another country...than Poland...
8) I write short stories ... the proverbial drawer, but can ever throw something here.
9) I would like to have a turbojet shoes ;) ...
10) ...and pass these exams to have longer holidays rather than wait and wait ...

1. Have you ever eaten a cheesecake gummy?
I don't like cheesecake. Other cake yes, but cheesecake...brrr ;P
2. What would you do if you had powers?
I would like to be telekinezis power or control the element of water (even though everyone else was too good). I'd Become a superhero ;P
3. Fave author?
Ummm...Nora Roberts? I think is she's but I like too J.K. Rowling, Beverly Barton, Jane Austen and very very... xD
4. Best memory?
When I became a driving license??? xD
5. Who do you ship? What show?
Well...I don't understand question ^^'
6. Fave dessert?
ICE CREAM! and chocolate
7. Where do you want to visit?
Japan! and New York
8. If you were an emoticon at this moment which would it be?
9. If you were to travel in a time machine when would you go?
Uh uh...maybe times of King Arthur? If you actually live? Or ancient times...uh uh I don't know hmmm
10. Tell me a story.
I'm sitting at the lecture on University and listen terribly boring lecture, occasionally sniffing (runny nose), when suddenly a colleague at the back pats me on the shoulder and say, "Don't cry. What happened?". Almost I got stomach pain by stopping laughter xD :woohoo:

And my turn:
1. Your soft toy, which hide under the bed so that others do not see it, is....?
2. If you could go back in your life for 10 years, what would you do with it your life?
3. Fave drinks?
4. Land on a deserted island. What are you doing?
5. Tell me a joke / bawdy story. ;)
6. You have talent for....
7. Do you like deviantart because ...?
8. Fave movie or movies?
9. Get a letter from Hogwarts. What are you doing?
10. The question for me than you. I will answer in a comment.

TAG: :iconkukunia92: :icona-polish-lovatic: :iconbecca-pera: :iconretrospection91: :iconendiria: :iconania940421: :iconfey-r: :iconkinga-polska: :iconzabrinesca: :iconrooooook:
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2 min read
Nie było mnie kilka dni i mam już mnóstwo do przejrzenia, przeczytania i w ogóle. A w weekend tego nie zrobię i znów się nazbiera brr;)

Bardzo chcę podziękować - bardzo xD Ani vel :iconkukunia92: za bliźniaczy awatarek! Jest cudowny. A Kyria jest taka słodka że aż jest mi źle że od dawna nic nie napisałam w moim opku, którego nadal nie zamieściłam, bo wciąż jest w toku pisania - nachodzą mnie pomysły w dalszej przyszłości bohaterów, albo nagle retrospekcje i cóż...ale może się uda, a przynajmniej w wakacje, bo jak widzę że maj i czerwiec = zaliczenia, się zbliżają to ciarki mnie przechodzą :ohmygod:
Jak pomyślę, że mam jutro angielski z takim tam hmm no psorkiem to gosh!

I've been away a few days and I have a lot to browse, read and all. And over the weekend, and I will not do again accumulates brr;)

I really want to thanks - very thanks xD Ania aka:iconkukunia92: a twin avatar! It is wonderful. A Kyria is so sweet that even I feel bad that for a long time I wrote nothing in my novel, which is still not posted because it is still in the course of writing - ideas overlap me further in the future heroes, or sudden flashbacks and well ... but maybe succeed, at least in summer, because I see that May and June = pass, the closer it creeps me go:ohmygod:

Have a nice weekend!
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Happy Easter!

1 min read
Jak w temacie ;) Wesołych Świąt wszystkim :D
Byle tylko ten śnieg przestał już sypać. A może ktoś chce ulepić króliczka wielkanocnego? xD
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1 min read
Do wszystkich Polek i Polaków! Piszę, żeby was przestrzec przed stroną
Jeśli zauważycie w ogłoszeniach o pracę (podczas jej szukania), że trzeba się zalogować na tym portalu aby aplikować do pracodawcy to nie róbcie tego! Ta strona jest mistyfikacją, a twórca oszustem, który za założenie wątpliwej wizytówki każe sobie płacić 99zł. Wielu się nabrało, ale jeszcze więcej osób próbuje z nim walczyć, ponieważ dopatrzyło się wielu nieścisłości ( pomiędzy tym portalem a konsumentem zawierana jest umowa, tylko, że konsument nie otrzymuje żadnej umowy, a jeśli nie doczytał lub po prostu pominął czytanie regulaminu, przychodzi mu po więcej niż 10 dniach żądanie o zapłatę - a 10 dni ma na zerwanie "umowy"). Żeby dowiedzieć się więcej zachęcam do wpisania "karierowo" w wyszukiwarce - będzie sporo stron, zwłaszcza forów, gdzie oszukani próbują egzekwować swe prawa.
Jeśli znacie kogoś kto został oszukany powiedźcie mu aby szukał informacji w Internecie, choćby na facebooku.
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HACKERS! Uwaga hakerzy! by Lylleill, journal

Tagged by Lylleill, journal

Dzinkowac by Lylleill, journal

Happy Easter! by Lylleill, journal

Przestroga by Lylleill, journal